Jim Weber

President/Ad Guy

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Mike Miller

Go-To Guy

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Angie Haberstroh

Minnie Marketeer

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Joe Strosser

Operations Czar

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Jennifer Weber

Official "i" Dotter & "t" Crosser

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Chris Heiner

Difference Maker

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Dwayne Kleinfelter

Account Point Guard

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John Singer

Account Cultivator

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Stephanie Kline

Service Meister

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Bryan Spirk

Deal Maker

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Raul Sanchez

Doppel Weber

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Tony Roda

The Godfather of Graphics

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Kelly Baker

Design Diva

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Devin Drennen

Type Connoisseur

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Jonathan Gingrich

World Wide Web-Slinger

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Lauren Runkle

Graphic Goddess

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Baily Morgan

Pixel Prodigy

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Brandon Rehak

Slicer, Dicer & Everything Else

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Leah Nagle

Creative Queen

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Scott Harper

The Helping Hands

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Brian Snader

Bean Counter

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Sue Reed

Queen of Numbers

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Jason Wittensoldner

Production Guru

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Randy Graves

Installation Roadie

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Mark Wittensoldner

General Contractor

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Bob Hammer

Sign Wrangler

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What Our Clients Say

"We count on Weber to deliver value and execute quickly. We feel like we can ask them to do anything and they will do it. They told me a long time ago that they never say "no" and they haven't."

Chuck Hoober
Hoober, Inc.

Charlie Hoober